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Table 4 Marginal effects of sickness absence function (Tobit Model) (N = 206)

From: The health and economic burden of dust pollution in the textile industry of Faisalabad, Pakistan

Independent variables

Dependent variable: work hours lost

Marginal effects

Environmental or factory characteristics (C)


3.031b (7.794)

    Blow room

1.999 (8.441)


2.824c (7.956)


2.652c (7.879)

    Auto cone

3.392b (8.026)

    Dust level

4.940a (6.086)


.0964 (2.694)

Averting activities (A)

    Use of mask

− 2.430088c (6.689)

Mitigating activities (B)

    Visit doctor

1.673862 (5.749)

Personal characteristics (G)

    Gender (male)

− 1.248 (5.297)


0.030 (0.2768)

    Marital status (married)

0.026 (3.557)


0.012 (0.268)

    Pseudo R squared


  1. The significance levels at 1%, 5%, and 10% are denoted by a, b, and c, respectively. The values in parentheses are standard errors