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Table 3 Relationship between limited comprehensive HL and current obstetric characteristics of studied pregnant women attending ANC clinics in Mansoura district, Egypt, 2020 (n = 382)

From: Health literacy of pregnant women attending antenatal care clinics in Mansoura district, Egypt

Obstetric characteristics

Limited HL (n = 305)

N (%)

Sufficient HL (n = 77)

N (%)

Test of significance


COR (95% CI)

Gestational age

 Second trimester

101 (77.1)

30 (22.9)

P > 0.05

1.3 (0.77–2.16)

 Third trimester

204 (81.3)

47 (18.7)

1 (r)


 Prim gravida

67 (84.8)

12 (15.2)

P > 0.05

1.5 (0.78–2.99)


238 (78.5)

65 (21.5)

1 (r)



88 (83)

18 (17)

P > 0.05

1.3 (0.74–2.38%)


217 (78.6)

59 (21.4)

1 (r)

Current pregnancy planning


193 (75.1)

64 (24.9)

P ≤ 0.05*

1 (r)


112 (89.6)

13 (10.4)

2.9 (1.51–5.42)

Age at marriage(a)

 ≤ 20 years

194 (91.5)

18 (8.5)

P ≤ 0.05*

5.7 (3.22–10.20)

 > 20 years

111 (65.3)

59 (34.7)

1 (r)

Age at first child(a)

 ≤ 21 years

198 (93.4)

14 (6.6)

P ≤ 0.05*

8.3 (4.46–15.56)

 > 21 years

107 (62.9)

63 (37.1)

1 (r)

Abortion history


99 (73.9)

35 (26.1)

P ≤ 0.05*

1 (r)


206 (83.1)

42 (16.9)

1.7 (1.04–2.89)

Health problems in previous pregnancies**


65 (86.7)

10 (13.3)

P ≤ 0.05*

1.7 (1.04–2.88)


152 (75.6)

49 (24.4)


1 (r)

Previous labor method**


39 (70.9)

16 (29.1)

P > 0.05

1 (r)


178 (80.5)

43 (19.5)


1.7 (0.87–3.32)

Previous labor site**

 Health facility

215 (78.5)

59 (21.5)




2 (100)


P > 0.05

  1. r reference group, COR crude odds ratio, CI confidence interval, FET Fisher’s exact test
  2. *Statistically significant difference
  3. **Data analysis excluded 106 nulliparous women
  4. (a) categories based on median age. χ2, chi-square test