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Table 3 Comparison of safe injection awareness score among the nurses in Beni-Suef, Egypt, and Qassim, KSA, 2017

From: Safe injection awareness and practices among nursing staff in an Egyptian and a Saudi hospital



Qassim Hospital

N (%)

Beni-Suef UH

N (%)


N (%)

P value

Poor awareness (score 0–5)

5 (2.00)

0 (0.00)

5 (1.00)


Fair awareness (score 6–8)

40 (16.0)

2 (0.8)

42 (8.4))

Good awareness (score 9–12)

205 (82.0)

248 (99.2)

453 (90.6)

Mean ± SD of the total score (total score = 12)

9.98 ± 1.76

11.12 ± 0.96

10.53 ± 160

  1. *P value ≤ 0.05 is considered significant